
Hi, I’m Kaley.

As a marketer with nearly 10 years of experience, I have worked with small-medium businesses and billion-dollar companies in tech and retail. I am passionate about building a brand presence for companies and creating loyal communities with customers. Executing a balance of creative storytelling with strategic thinking informed by performance analytics in my roles, I am on a mission to engage audiences with the product and brand.

As Editor-in-Chief of Future Fossil Flora magazine, I created the publication from concept to execution. The Poppy Issue has been stocked around the world, from Europe to Hong Kong, most notably at the Gucci Garden in Florence.

I am a professional trained photographer and specialize in portraiture and food photography.

Feel free to take a look around. I’m available for hire as a freelancer for any projects related to the work you see on this site.

Get in touch at hello@kaleyross.com

LinkedIn for more social things.